This section contains photos which illustrate surgical procedures. These photographic examples are intended for those individuals interested in cosmetic surgery. These are clinical photos and some images may include nudity and may not be suitable for viewing by all visitors. Please select another section if you are not an adult and do not have parental consent.
The pre- and post-op galleries shown here are very special to Dr. Carpenter: they not only represent his life’s work, but also represent the pride of each patient who allows us to publish his or her photos. We appreciate the confidence and generosity of every patient shown. For patients who are viewing their own photos on our website, we thank you and hope you are as proud of your results as we are. For prospective patients, we encourage you to find the ”before” photos with which you identify the most, so that you can more easily envision your results. Enjoy!
Gynecomastia Patient 10
Bilateral gynecomastia excision and doughnut mastopexy
Gynecomastia Patient 09
Excision bilateral gynecomastia (right and left performed four years apart)
Gynecomastia Patient 08
Bilateral precision liposuction and excision gynecomastia tissue
Gynecomastia Patient 07
Excision bilateral gynecomastia and liposuction
Gynecomastia Patient 06
Excision right sided gynecomastia tissue
Gynecomastia Patient 05
Gynecomastia Patient 04
Smartlipo liposuction of chest and excision of gynecomastia tissue
Gynecomastia Patient 03
Liposuction of chest, excision bilateral gynecomastia tissue
Gynecomastia Patient 02
Excision bilateral gynecomastia tissue
Gynecomastia Patient 01
Precision liposuction bilateral chest, excision gynecomastia tissue and doughnut mastopexy