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The facelift is a cosmetic treatment that was once largely pursued by people well into their 60s. Currently, however, this surgery is gaining greater interest from far younger patients. For instance, in the U.S. in 2019 alone, almost 6,000 facelifts were performed on patients who were under 54. Surprisingly, this younger group of patients actually accounted for 34 percent of all facelifts performed in 2019. As facelifts grow increasingly popular among younger consumers, it’s vital to know why.

The Benefits Of Having A Facelift Performed Early On

Many people wait until facial aging is quite advanced before finally seeking surgical solutions in their 60s or even their 70s. Although having a facelift performed at this time can indeed produce impressive results, extensive adjustment and repositioning of facial tissues tends to lead to long and fairly complicated recoveries. Conversely, a younger patient with less advanced facial aging can usually expect a much shorter and easier period of recovery, and far more youthful-looking results overall.

It’s additionally important to note that patients in their 60’s who get facelifts are often trying to reverse nearly two decades of facial aging with a single procedure. These efforts can produce far more dramatic changes in a person’s appearance than if he or she was only seeking to reverse facial aging by just five to 10 years. Given that younger patients aren’t trying to turn back the proverbial hands of time quite so far, they’re often able to get far more natural looks from their treatments.

The Best Anti-Aging Solutions For Younger Patients

In your efforts to fight or reverse facial aging, considering the ongoing evolution of your skin is important, especially while you’re still relatively young. People who are younger than 30 should already be taking steps to protect and preserve the integrity of their skin, such as using sunblock on a regular basis and limiting their direct exposure to sunlight. By minimizing damage from the sun’s UV rays, you can stave off fine lines, deep facial creases, sagging skin, and sunspots among many other cosmetic issues.

As the first signs of facial aging start to rear their heads in your 30’s, products like Dysport and BOTOX can provide safe, simple, and non-surgical solutions to superficial wrinkles and fine lines. These injectables have the ability to relax wrinkle-causing muscles for several months. They also prevent contractions in the treated muscles so that any existing facial creases don’t worsen. These popular, injectable cosmetics are great for anyone who’s looking to slow or reverse the early signs of facial aging.

As people enter their 40s and move into their 50s, getting a mini facelift may be the best choice. In comparison to full facelift surgeries, mini facelifts are significantly less invasive. In fact, the recovery time for a mini facelift is approximately half that of a full facelift. Moreover, a mini facelift can often be performed as an outpatient procedure and while using local anesthesia only. Patients can get natural-looking results when choosing mini facelifts. With a mild recovery, the mini facelift can be ideal for anyone who’s looking to maintain a youthful appearance at this stage of life.

Looking Ahead To The Future

With such a vast range of facelift options for addressing a decidedly diverse array of age-related issues, it’s certainly no wonder why younger patients are increasingly interested in these treatments. Every patient has unique anatomy and unique aging concerns. As such, each patient requires needs-specific anti-aging solutions.

Looking ahead to the future while you’re still young is always a wise choice. It can help you enjoy a more youthful and natural-looking appearance as you grow older. If you want to know how to preserve your youthful good looks, scheduling a consultation appointment with a board-certified plastic surgeon at Allegany Plastic Surgery is the best way to start.

Schedule a Consultation

To learn more about the best anti-aging solution for you, schedule a consultation with Dr. Carpenter at Allegany Plastic Surgery by calling (301) 724-5885 or request your appointment online.

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